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09 Feb 2023 23:40:40
Having seen him up really close at Tannadice couple of weeks back, cut a frustrated figure in 1st half as always looking to make forward run or make himself available outlet but time n time again sideways pass or Taylor too much inside when if closer to him n touch line could/ would have made such a difference.


1.) 10 Feb 2023 07:45:13
Who are you talking about?

2.) 10 Feb 2023 10:54:41
I'm going jota.

3.) 10 Feb 2023 12:00:17
I think Kyogo’s runs off the ball.



01 Oct 2021 16:22:49
Buzz bomb, no buying that re finance, look at the list of teams who’ve progressed at our expense over the years. I’d have liked to have seen us invest heavily in an infrastructure and manger/ s but at same time bring in the right quality of player, for years now we’ve wasted so much money on recruitment alone. Behind the scenes is the biggest problem.


1.) 01 Oct 2021 17:27:14
I don’t think it matters too much who is the Celtic Chairman or who is on the Celtic board because they only follow the instructions of Dermot Desmond, who runs the club.
I think it would take over £40 million to buy Dermot Desmond out and I can’t see that happening anytime soon.
Celtic need to change our summer recruitment process because we’re never ready for the Qualifiers.
But I don’t think Dermot Desmond is the type of guy who takes advice or likes to be told what to do.
He showed that in November with the Lennon fiasco.

2.) 01 Oct 2021 22:15:47
Ange must work with what he's got until the January window. From now until then, he should be able to see what he's got and assess. I've no doubt he'll identify players we have that don't fit, and then maybe bring others in. The aim is to stabilize in January, and that's the core for the qualifiers. No panic buys!

Next summer, we have to see what we want, and what's available in our price range. Also, we have to consider kids coming through, which should be the real aim.

Remember, not all the players we bring in will fit the system Ange is trying to develop. That's normal, as it happened many times before, and not just with us. Hopefully, Ange can identify what will fit before we buy a player.

We'd all like instant success, but to build a team, especially from the shambles Ange inherited, generally always takes time. More so, given that Ange is introducing a new style. That always takes time, and we must be patient. Hard I know, especially after a loss!

We've had a bumpy ride so far, and this could be the story of our season, but I feel upbeat! Let's see where we are next May.



30 Sep 2021 23:33:42
I’m surprised he took the gig tonight, it’s too soon since he left. If he criticised then he gets it, if we’d won he’d have got it for poor results last season, there was also his hidden comments about players still going on, if he feels that strong about just come out n say what he actually felt went on last year. Lambert I thought was spot in, we’ve regressed massively since our Euro final in 2003. Especially what’s went on with them, we’ve had a decade to really apply ourselves in Europe but went backwards domestically as well by a board only interested in dividends. Re results in Europe now expected, that last goal btw reminds me of Sparta Prague near end of game.


1.) 01 Oct 2021 06:32:30
The finances have regressed in Scottish football since Celtic reached Seville in 2003.
In 1999 ( not that long ago ) only Chelsea and Liverpool paid more wages than Rangers in Britain.
Rangers paid higher wages than Man Utd, who won the CL and Treble in 1999.
Look at the difference now and there’s your answer how Celtic have regressed in European football since 2003.
Celtic simply don’t have the finances to compete in Europe on a regular basis.
Like most average teams, we will have one good European run every few years but it’s hard to compete with the big leagues in Europe because UEFA have caused a divide, due to allowing clubs who finish FOURTH in the big leagues, straight into the Champions League group stages.

2.) 01 Oct 2021 07:02:46
Hugo, I said in a previous post that I also agreed with lambert. He looked absolutely raging at the team and club last night . You could see how much it meant to him and hurt him to see us like this . We could do with someone like him in our team now that’s for sure .

3.) 01 Oct 2021 12:54:03
Quinn1888, he's only 52 so it's quite possible he could still get a game in our current team. HH.



26 Sep 2021 20:49:52
Regards all posts on today’s game, loads of posters have tight/ wrong thoughts. On reflection we hit woodwork 3 times, had a couple of unbelievable misses at close range, on a different day we’d b saying what a great performance/ result with threadbare squad, also 2 subs lost to injury, more bad luck. Watched the Dundee game yesterday n they were hanging on for last 10-15 mins. Next up for them is Hibs looking to go top after a tricky trip to Czech. I’m not saying all is rosy in garden but after 7 games of a major rebuild I’m not throwing towel in just yet like others.


1.) 26 Sep 2021 20:57:52
HH Hugo.

When big Giorgious starts I'm predicting he'll light it up like napalm in Vietnam.

2.) 26 Sep 2021 23:05:02
Pedro please let the big guy be a player every fi gwrcand toe crossed.



30 Jun 2021 21:27:21
Penny for the thoughts of Howe. Thought he was bigger than us, stringed us along hoping to get 1 of the 3 EPL jobs. Karma, guessing it’s Fulham or waiting for a relegation threatened team around Oct/ Nov at best. Oh well, one thing true in his agent’s statement, no looking to restart working before summer out.





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14 May 2024 23:19:30
If that's his options at present n age he is, surely got to discount Bournemouth n Fulham regardless of EPL status, tiny clubs compared to us, no history, non comparable fan base. Leeds/ Norwich having a laugh. AM maybe, different lifestyle, big club, .
MUtd, possibly but right club, wrong time with everything going on there.
He seems an intelligent lad who may not be swayed by first big wage offer, wouldn't b surprised to see him foranother 6-12 months then go.




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02 May 2024 22:02:20
Spend £10m on transfer n then ure figs of £50k/ w over 3 years = circa approx £18m, who's that player in your opinion that'll take us to next level?




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29 Jun 2023 19:39:58
If, as what all the sound bites suggest that we’re a team looking to make progressive steps in Eury why are we looking to sell at first club that flickers its eyes to one of our top performers?
There’s also this irritating point of a glass ceiling of selling our players at £20-25 million, why?
Similar sized countries like Holland and Portugal sell their players for significantly higher sums though overall quality of league not that different.




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24 Jul 2021 13:18:13
Ed, u saying both these guys got better chance of playing first team at Leeds before us, can’t see it. Lost in the U23s . All about £££.


{Ed007's Note - Try reading what Mally said again, then read my reply again.}



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05 Jun 2021 13:11:27
Ayew on £80k p/ W. Was mentioned during play off.





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12 Apr 2023 20:01:33
Celtic Calling, equality please, did u see goals and their "keeper". Never ever should there be equality, same with tennis etc where women's side want same £ but play far less.




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01 Nov 2021 21:14:32
Did they receive the first tranche of cash recently or was that separate from league, was that from SFA? If league whilst this is ongoing is a joke.




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15 Oct 2021 19:49:39
I don't think it's all down to refs here, I've watched all games this season and yes, the high press is great if players implement it properly but there's been many a time a player just runs about like a headless chicken giving away needless, niggly, fouls. That starts up front n works it's way back. Probably more to do with not having the quality to meet n keep up that pace.




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05 Jun 2021 13:14:44
Different style of play in Belgium compared to the frenetic pace here, he got plenty of time to step out from the back. He may have improved massively but still think plenty of? marks still hang over him as mentioned.




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13 Apr 2021 23:44:07
I don’t think people really understand until they go thru this. I had a period of depression couple of years back, was always the type to say that “it’s life, get on with it”, had a good job etc, why would I b depressed?!?
I’ve since “recovered” but think I’ve changed as a person n will never b the same, last year didn’t help, had serious health issues, had a toe amputation, lost my job of 31 years. What I’m trying to say is u just don’t know what’s around the corner n everyone needs help at some point. Sometimes the easiest n difficult thing is to ask the question how ure getting on to a friend/ colleague etc.




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